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Cat has an important role in the car. Whatever your car and regardless of age, if the vehicle has a smooth paint is maintained, then your car will look impressive.
While still a new car, car owners generally diligently to clean and care for her, but over time the habit is reduced and the paint is slowly becoming dull. Yet when selling a car, prospective buyers will see if the body of the car is smooth or not. And the paint is the first order that note, followed by the car frame and engine.
In addition to the personal satisfaction of the appearance of the car, taking care of his cat on a regular basis also maintain the selling price of the car. And here are some tips to take care of:

Car wash
Car wash is a preliminary step to taking care of the car paint. While the dry season, which is just a car park though still exposed to dust and will look dirty. And while the use of the rainy season resulted in the attachment of various impurities are distributed over the entire body of the car.
Do not let the dirt cling too long. When no longer needed, take a moment and immediately wash your car. Because the waste is left too long will cause the crust on the surface of the paint, and rainwater left alone will cause mildew and scar.
But it is not just douse the car wash with clean water or melapnya. There are several things to consider when doing a car wash. Time is a good car wash when the weather conditions are not too hot, like early in the morning or evening. Do not guakan water pressure is too great when spraying, so as not to damage the car paint.
Use similar CANEBO lap when drying, because the cloth has water absorption is quite high, so there is no residual water left in your car and leave their mark. Also, make sure before you have to rinse the car thoroughly and completely clean. Because the residual dust or dirt that can cause scratches still attached thin upon drying.

Use the Right Cleaning Means
You can find a wide range of car cleaning products on the market. Car Shampoo is one type of cleaning that you must have when washing the car. Do not choose a car shampoo simply by packaging with various properties it says and looks convincing, but recognize the content contained therein.
Do not use a shampoo that contains silicon and kerosene, because the content is made quickly faded and the paint will look dull in the long-term use.
To make sure that you choose a shampoo that contains organic ingredients such as caolin clay (a type of mineral mud) and carnauba wax (candles made from palm trees).
Also make sure also that the product has been bearing the title of green internationally. And examine before purchasing, because currently many outstanding local products that claim green status without having the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet).
Understand the difference polish with Protect
Who would not want to paint the car looks shiny? For it is not rare to encounter the owner of the car that is cool to let the car polish or polished to appear shiny. But understand that the polish is not meant to protect.
Although after polished paint your car will look more bright and shiny, but be careful in its use. Polishers (car polish / compound) works by eroding layers of paint using abrasive materials. It actually shorten the life of your car paint. Therefore polishes its intended use, which is just to eliminate the thin scratches or brighten the color of paint that had been dull.
To care for and protect the paint, and simultaneously making it appear shiny, use special products such as wax at least twice a week. So paint your car protected and looked after brilliantly by coating, not erode it.
Avoid Cause Damage
By knowing what causes the damage to the car paint (other than collision), then you can avoid or mangambil preventive measures. The following are some of the causes of damage to car paint:
- Gloves Car Cover
Gloves or indeed effective car cover protects the car from sun and dust. But if the material used is translucent water, the protector can actually be a boomerang. The car is in a closed state rain makes the water trapped below. Once the lid is opened, it will be directly visible mold attached to the surface of the paint.
- Dirt Bird
Bird droppings contain chemicals that can react to the paint. Therefore, do not let the bird droppings too long attached to the surface of the paint as it will cause spotting very difficult to remove. Immediately wash with water.
- Gum Tree
To avoid sunburn in the open, one effective way is to park the car under a tree. But the fruit or tree sap can damage the paint fall. If you are new, this dirt can be cleaned with water, but if left long, tree sap can react with the paint causing scars or spots that can not be eliminated even with a polished. That is because the reaction has penetrated deeply into the pores of the paint most.
- Fluid Electrolyte Accu
The liquid electrolyte batteries that have been reacted with the cell membrane actively accu also is the main enemy of paint. So when adding the liquid electrolyte batteries jangansampai too full. Because spills and fumes can damage the paint. When this happens immediately flush the affected areas immediately with warm water electrolyte batteries. This should be done as soon as possible. Because, if these droplets or liquid spills on the surface of the paint more than a few seconds, then it is possible that the part is no longer able to be cleaned and re-painted.
- Brake
Despite the vital function of brake fluid is also very harmful to the paint. Especially the kind that is not neutral. Penuangannya must be extra careful not to spill or the body of the car. If spilled, flush with warm water. Handling and the same effect occurs with liquid electrolyte batteries.
- Detergent
Do not use detrejen or the like to wash the car, because it will make the paint becomes dull. There are several types of soap that trace when used for washing cars, and there is even a dab of soap containing granules which can lead to scratching the paint surface.