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1. Put the vehicle service equipment

Fender cover
Grill cover
Steering cover
Floor cover
Seat cover
2. Prepare working equipment
Tool set Measuring devices, include: Tune-up tester, Multimeter, Tester Radiator, Radiator cup tester, Spring scale, torque wrench (torque wrench), hydrometer, feeler gauge and a steel ruler. Other service equipment, including: compressors, water gun and a clean cloth.

3. Job when the engine is cold, includes examination:

cooling system
fan belt
fuel filter
air filter
ignition system
4. Work is currently living machines, including examination of:

dwell angle
Round idle
when the ignition
5. Job after the engine is heated, include:

celap valve
carburetor work
sets idle rotation
road test

Pull the measuring rod, lap ends, and re-enter.
Pull back and check the oil volume (between Full and Low) as well as the quality of the oil by looking at the color and density of oil.
Look at the color change engine oil

check the radiator hose
check the clamps
check for leaks fins
check the drain valve
Cooling system leak test (using a radiator pressure tester to give 1.2 kg/cm2)
Examination of the radiator cap (using a cup radiator pressure tester give 0.6 to 1.2 kg/cm2)
Check the quality and capacity of cooling water
Check the reserve tank volume
Check the fan belt: visual check of the possibility of cracking / wear
When the fan belt returns give 10 Kg pressure and fan belt deflection: 7-11 mm (for water pump - alternator) 11-14 (for crank - compressor)
Check the bearing sound, abnormal pump
Circulation of cooling water (done when the engine is hot and alive)

off the fuel filter
Note the inlet and exhaust
Spray a low-pressure air
Spraying sequence: exhaust - inlet, inlet - exhaust, exhaust - inlet.
Blow (by mouth) of the inlet and exhaust. When light: clean means, when the weight should be replaced.
AIR FILTER (Water filter)

Remove the clip
Visually inspect the air filter element
Spray air filter element with the sequence: from the inside - out, from the outside - inside, from the inside - out.
Wipe the air filter.
Pairs, note the arrow on the filter housing cover.

Remove the battery pole (terminal (-) first.
Lift the battery (keep your hands under the battery box)
Check the box, the possibility of cracking, bulging.
Check the electrolyte volume
Check the hole in the lid evaporation, spray with compressed air from the compressor
Check the specific gravity of the electrolyte, using a hydrometer (good condition when the scale between 1.25 to 1.27)
Check the condition of the pole / terminal
Check the voltage using a voltmeter
IGNITION SYSTEM COMPONENTS A. Spark plugs, check out:

Threaded plugs
Electrode wear and tear
Gasket Spark Plug
The condition of the spark plug electrode
Spark plug gap
B. Spark plug wires, the ohmmeter check the resistance of the cable (good condition when less than 25 KΩ.
C. Distributor

clean the distributor cap with a clean cloth
Visually inspect, from the possibility of cracking, wear
Clean the terminals in
Check the brush length
Rotor, wipe with a cloth
Platinum, check, clean and sets
Governor advancer, turn the rotor (good condition when the rotor right back into place)
Vacuum advancer (good condition when smoked ......... platinum holder moves)
Octan selector (position Std / middle)

Check the coil primary custody (from 1.3 to 1.6 Ω)
Check the secondary coil prisoners (10.7 to 14.5 KΩ)
Check the resistor coil (1.5 to 1.9 Ω)
CYLINDER HEAD BOLT VIOLENCE Tightening the key moments starting from the center and then out, like a mosquito coil principle.

Dwell ANGLE: 520 ± 60
When the ignition (deer 5 K = 50 before TDC)
± 750 rpm idle rotation
TUNE UP MOTOR FUEL 2 Tune Up is perwatan periodically without replacement engine components The work includes the examination; -Engine oil -Cooling system Tali-fan -Air filter Heat-control valve -Batteries Busi- High-voltage cable -Distributors -Gap valve -Carburetor Round-starters idle (Idle Speed ​​Inintial) Fast-idle -Thottle Positioner -Tekannan compression
Tune Up the purpose of carrying on the motor vehicle: To control the condition of the engine after the vehicle is used for 10,000 miles; To check, adjust and restore the condition of the motor vehicle to its original state
Air Filter function: Air entering the engine to invite dust and other objects will clog the carburetor, cylinder engine accelerates the wear and contaminate the oil. Air Filters filter out dust and other impurities contained in the incoming air through the filter apparatus in which there is an air filter, so that dust and dirt can not get into the carburetor and the engine cylinder. If the filter is clogged dirt, air flow will be restricted resulting in carburetor work disruption. The air filter is divided into two, namely: dry air filter and air filter wet
Cleaning or replacing the air filter dry type 1. Remove the air filter check the condition of the air filter, if dirty should be replaced once a new 2. Strainer several times to knock the dust off regardless 3. Spray with a lean air from the inside out. Sometimes the air filter soaked with oil. The oil coming from the crankcase ventilation system. Clean the system control kemudianlakukan motor oil on the surface boundary (probably too high) or also due to the density of the rings piston, is open to the oil filler cap when motorhidup. If the gas comes out, could also ring leaky piston, the gas consequently dapatmembawa engine oil up to the air filter. 4. Replace the air filter. At the time of installation, note the position of the gasket-pakingnya.
Cleaning the air filter oil reservoir (wet type). 1. Remove the air filter 2. Wash the air filter with gasoline 3. Remove the oil from the air saaringan home, clean the house with gasoline and air saaringan lap.
Fan Cord Function Continue the fan belt pulley engine power from the crankshaft to move the other parts of the engine auxiliaries, such as water pump, fan and alternator. Usually a new fan belt is still elastic, but its elasticity is lost after use.
Visual inspection 1. Check the fan belt possibility of cracking, already bad, too tight or worn; 2. There is oil or grease. 3. Imperfect interface between rope and pulley.
Inspection and adjustment of fan belt tightness 1. With the strength of 10 kg pressure, press the rope on the places that should straps should show firmness specifications. Bending the fan belt on the fan pressure of 10 kg Alternator 7-11 mm and 11-14 mm crank the AC Compressor. 2. Note the drive belt tension. Less tense - fan belt slip - quickly aus.Terlalu tense - water pipes and alternator bearings become damaged quickly. If the fan belt had to be replaced, consider its size. Follow normalisasi.Lebar belt size: 9.5; 10.5; 11.5; 12.5 mm. Length: Penatahapannya is 25 mm, eg 800, 825.850 mm ff. 3. Give vet or a special liquid on the old belt that reads
Check the batteries possibilities: 1. Homes rusty battery; 2. Relations loose terminals; 3. Corroded or damaged terminals; 4. Damaged or leaking batteries.
Measurement of the specific gravity of the electrolyte 1. Check the specific gravity of the electrolyte with a hydrometer; density ranged from 1.25 to 1.27 at 20 º C; 2. Check the amount of electrolyte in each cell. If there is at the proper height, the term with distilled water.
Function Oil Oil with its thick and smooth, not just reduce ausan and friction on the piston (piston), bearings and parts rotating parts. Oil also helps withstand high temperature, high pressure gas and helps remove heat from the high temperature to the crankcase (oil pan) then moved to the outside air. Oil prevents the rottenness of parts made of metal, are bearing for rotating parts and absorb damaging substances from the combustion in the engine. After performing these tasks, the oil loses its effectiveness and therefore must be replaced periodik.Pemeriksaan tall oil, tall oil should be on the sign of L and If it is lower, check for leaks and add oil kemungkinanada to sign F Use oil of API service SE.
Replacement oil filter functions While the oil is being used, the carbon produced from the combustion reaction in the engine and the metal powder into the oil so that the oil becomes dirty. If the dirt is piled up, it will cause parts wear out quickly rotating parts and scratched. That's why the oil filter attached to hold the dirt and removing impurities from oil. Because such dirt will accumulate in the filter (flter), the filter needs to be replaced periodically.
Replacement Oil Filters (Filters) 1. Open the oil filter with the filter opening tool; 2. Select the oil filter with the filter and matching screw diameter gasket 3. Controls whether the old oil filter is equipped with a valve "by-pass" or not. 4. Controls whether or not anti-reverse valve in the oil filter by looking at the binding position of the oil filter to the motor. If the binding position horizontal or strainer at the bottom, then the oil filter must be equipped with anti-reverse valve. 5. To install, tighten the oil filter by hand.
Gap Function Valve In order for the efficient operation of the engine when the valve closes, so that once the holder closed. To ensure such circumstances, there is a gap called 'slit valve' (clearance) between the valve and the valve lever in the closed state (Roker). With this gap, the valve will return to the stand without disturbance during engine work despite the expansion of a particular component.
How to set the valve gap: 1. Heated and then turned off the machine; 2. Place the number 1 cylinder is at TDC or top dead point or compression with a detour crankshaft; 3. Tighten the screw-head bolts and screws Roker amplifier. Tightening moment shows 1.8 -2.4 kgm; 4. Stel slit valve with the valve gap is measured between the street rod and sleeve loker.Yang aktup set only valves are designated by arrows only. Suction valve slit showed 0.20 mm and 0.30 mm Discard; 5. Rotate the crankshaft (crankshaft) 360o; 6. Set the other valves are indicated by arrows.
CHECKING THE SPARK PLUG WIRES Remove the spark plug. Do not pull on the cord. Relationship core cable charcoal easily detached from the plug if the cord is pulled. Check the cable using a multimeter prisoners. Prisoners cable that is less than 25 kΩ per Kable
. EXAMINATION ADVANCE VACCUM 1. Remove the distributor cap; 2. Remove the vacuum hose leading to the distributor on the carburetor. Suction hose with mouth and notice contact breaker plate holder should move. Vaccum hose must not be cracked or loose on connections
CENTRIFUGAL ADVANCE INSPECTION The rotor should come back quickly after playing unidirectional rotation and removable; The rotor should not be too loose.
INSPECTION CONTACT BREAKER 1. Adjust the contact breaker gap with fuler, turn the motor by hand until the camp; heel ebonite in the right position 2. Select the appropriate fuler box with a large gap; 3. Check the contact gap with fuler clean. 4. If the gap is not good, sets as follows: -Loosen the screws a little at a fixed contact. Stel large-gap by moving the fixed contact. -Setting is done with a screwdriver in the notch setter; -If the adjustment is appropriate, harden the screws on the fixed contact; 5. Rotate the engine one round, once again check the size of the contact gap.
As a hint: Large contact gap for cars typically 0.4 -0.5 mm. The new breaker contacts are usually replaced every 20'000 miles. Prolonged contact with miserly dirataka can contact or rub kertasa and then cleaned with a clean paper. However, if the non-contact averaging large, you should contact breaker replaced.
Tests with dwell tester Start the motor and check the angle DWEL. If false, sets the contact gap to get good results and harden the screws on the fixed contact; Put it back, once again DWEL angle control for the motor life (idle rotation).
As the Directive: The magnitude of the angle DWEL for 4 cylinder motors typically 52o - 56o Adjust DWEL cabling tester with a brand or type that digunaakan
Ignition Function Gasoline engine works by burning gasoline and air mixture is pressed after suction steps and burned by sparks plugs. Sparks that led to the eruption called a "moment of ignition" (ignition time) and regulated by the opening of platinum in distributor.Waktu ignition should be adjusted in such a way that is not too fast and not too slow because it will decrease the efficiency of the engine.
Tuning Ignition Set the engine speed at idle speed. In the motor is equipped with slektor octane, the octane selector position should be set at a standard position. When the ignition is 8o before TDC or idling. Setting ignition when matched with the time signs memut distributor body. When the ignition before TDC 8o or idling.
CHECKING THE SPARK PLUG Visually check the spark plugs there may be the following: 1. Cracks or other damage to the screw and insulators; 2. Electrode wear and tear; 3. Gastek damaged or decayed; 4. The electrodes are burned or excessive dirt.
Cleaning Busi 1. Do not use cleaning tool plugs for longer than necessary; 2. Breathed cleaner and carbon powder with compressed air; 3. Clean the screw and the outer surface of the insulator
Measurement of compression pressure 1. Heat engines; 2. Open all the spark plugs; 3. Disconnect the high voltage cable from the ignition coil so that the secondary flow is lost; 4. Insert the compression gauge into the spark plug hole; 5. Open the throttle fully and read pressure gas compression while the machine is powered by a motor starter.
As a hint: Try to keep the measurements performed in the shortest possible time. -Round: 250 Pressure-compression -STD 11.0 kg/cm2 -Limit 9.0 kg/cm2 -The difference between each cylinder 1.0 kg/cm2
1 The first step Prepare the tools that will be used to tune up and check the equipment, alt that is in use including the following: 1. Lock 10 and Lock 14 2. Lock busy, hmplas and wire brush 3. Feeler gauge 4. Knock the screwdriver and wipe clean 5. Carburraator Cleaner (CC) 6. Multimetrer 7. Compressor (wind) 8. Engine analyzer
2 How to Tune Up Engine EFI XENIA at 20,000 KM
The components are in tune up the engine EFI (electronic fuel injection) is as follows: 1. Air Cleaner (AC) or water box Clean the air using a compressor (wind) in order to keep the state clean air, so the air enters the combustion chamber with fuel kept clean.
2. Coil and Voltage Cables Usually in mesi EFI (Electronic Fuel Injection) and coil voltage cables already assembled into a single component. So checking the voltage across the coil and check the wires at the same time using a multimeter, this is done in order to know the coil is efficient or not. How pemriksaannya, relations with the multi meter voltage coil and wires, when the multimeter is connected to the coil and the voltage cable needle on the multimeter will show the numbers 50, 50 of the states 50 amperes. It is addressed that tension wires koildan still efficient, but if the needle on the multimeter showed less or more than 50, then the coil and cable tension is not addressed efficiently.
3. Plug Usually the plugs not only clean but also can be replaced with a new one depending on the state of the plugs are still good or not. But usually penggantain plugs often done at 20,000 KM. so if keaadaan clean the spark plugs are still good to use hamplas or wire brush. And a new set of spark plug gap using a feeler gauge to get accuracy. How plugs showed good or not, it can diliat with the naked eye if, that is, if the electrode is low its time.
4. Trottole Body and Idle Speed ​​Control (ISC) Clean trottole body and ISC using Carburrator Cleaner and cleanser wash nmenempel on Trottole body and ISC using a clean cloth. It is intended that the fuel and air ktika fused yan no dust drawn into the combustion chamber. And in order not to deviate in the set rpm because Isc serves to regulate rpm. 5. Fuel Filter (FF) Clean the holes FF by spraying fuel into or out of the FF using compressor (wind). This is done so that FF works fine, so there is no blockage in his FF or dust carried pembakran chamber.
6. Oil (lubricant) Long oil change with a new one that does not happen to ausan on the machine, so the compression stroke remained stable. In order for the machine remain comfortable and do not wear out quickly then this should dilkukan oil changes periodically. So kstbilan and temperature in the combustion chamber is maintained.
7. Emissions Test Emissions Testing last did, to conduct emission test gunkan egine analyzer tool. This is done auntuk know the combustion process in the engine, whether it is efficient or not, CO (carbon monoxide) ideal range below 1 percent. If these tools indicate less than 1 percent of the CO in the combustion process is still efficient, but if the tool attribute results in the top 1 percent of the combustion process has been inefficient, usually to do service on the fuel system.

.3 Final Step Once completed the tune up, in order to create well-being, safety, and security both for mechanical work or equipment. Then the last step is clean up (Clean up your incorrect) and save back the tools that have been used in the place of storage.